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[SOLVED] Formatting options for Long Text

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7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect
Status: Launched

I would love to see basic text formatting options for the long text field. At a minimum: bold and italic formatting would be a huge help.

I would like to use long text fields to store short bios for writers. But without the ability to have italic formatting, I can’t properly format the titles of their books.

The markdown formatting tools available in this Airtable community message editor would be perfect.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

One more +1.

looks like you’ve got a lot of requests for this.

I’m a product manager trying to integrate Airtable as a hub for a lot of different toolsets using webhooks / api / zapier. If airtable had a field type that provided markdown store and preview, it’d be mighty fine. I already dump markdown into text fields anyway, shame I can’t hang around in your service to deal with that markdown I use in a plethora of other services. Guess I’ll take my eyeball time elsewhere. #Shutupandtakemyeyeballtime

Funny, the text field I’m replying to this in, provided by airtable, has markdown support.

kidding aside, I love and appreciate your service. Markdown support in text fields would keep me on your product longer, and let me use it for more things.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

+1 markdown support!!!

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Absolutely…one of the main reasons not using Airtable as my Crm right now…

Also the wasted space on right side for activity feed and commenting is a shame…

That space should be at least optional to remove so more room for notes, and details

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I’d like to support this too – it would be really helpful for my primary use.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Markdown Support Please!!!

This would be huge. I use Airtable for agile product planning and being able to paste code and longer user stories into this field would be a game changer.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

+1 for Markdown, HTML, or better, same as provide !

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

This is important to me. I miss having rich text options for cards in Trello. I’d be very happy if this was added.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

This is very important to me as well! Is it on the roadmap?

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

+1! I’m trying to use Airtable as a repository for customer / product feedback - simple formatting would go a long way :slightly_smiling_face:

9 - Sun
9 - Sun

Can’t you just mirror Slack’s formatting options? XY for bold, XY for ital, etc.? For us, bold and italics, combined with line-breaks via \n would meet 905 of user needs.