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Thumbnail Scale Option for Attachment Fields within Views with Expanded Row Height

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9 - Sun
9 - Sun

While we love the Row Height option in some of our views, we struggle with how images within attachment fields are previewed. Currently, each image within an attachment field fills the full height of the row/record. This is a sub-optimal use of screen real estate. Instead, we suggest a thumbnail scale option within the field settings. This could be a slider, or simply a choice between 1-up, 2-up and 3-up thumbnail grids.

Hereโ€™s a before-and-after of what weโ€™re thinking:


Scaled Thumbnails.png

And if implementing such scaling, why not add it to the Gallery View? While full-frame thumbnails LOOK great, a small grid of thumbnails would likely be more useful in a lot of use cases; particularly as screen resolutions increase.

9 - Sun
9 - Sun

For instance, Linked fields already work this way. Each linked block of data gets ragged down as the column-width is narrowed. Weโ€™d love to see images within Attachment fields work this way.


Orโ€ฆ For a TRUE barcode field format to be added. One inclusive of auto-barcode generation via various symbologies, display of barcodes at various scales/truncations, with variable inclusion of underlying text, etc.

If we were using barcodes as data (a la linked field info) instead of attached images, weโ€™d have less need for thumbnail scaling.

9 - Sun
9 - Sun

Hereโ€™s a rough proto of what a Gallery card might look like with scaled thumbnails in the header:

Scaled Gallery Thumbnail.png

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Did you ever find a solution for this? Iโ€™m on a hot mission looking for the same solution today. Plus, how to have the expanded record show the full width of the image? It seems that in the gallery view, in โ€˜customize cardsโ€™, it allows the user to select โ€˜fitโ€™ or โ€˜cropโ€™, Fit makes it fully visible and is what is desired, and crop well crops off the sides making the image useless in many cases. How to do this โ€˜fitโ€™ designation in the expanded record view?

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Late response but, for noobs when someone clicks on thumbnails they popup into a full-page lightbox with the image in full. Be careful when exporting tables thinking you can reimport and the images will re-appear. They donโ€™t and youโ€™ll have to add them all over again. The export is for data only (e.g. the image URL).