This Product Ideas board is currently undergoing updates, but please continue to submit your ideas.
I’m very new to AirTable but I have significant experience with all sorts of IT and coding. I have searched both the help and the community and I am surprised this has not come up. I have seen references to using Zapier, etc. but that seems to be a complicated route versus making it a built-in feature.
I would like to be able to create a table that can be used to catch emails sent directly to a specific email address for that table. Obviously, this would require AT to have an email infrastructure that could handle the incoming email, or, as another method, allow the user to create an email box in their own email system (Exchange, O365, Gmail, etc.) which AT would be able to access in order to grab the messages and populate the contents to the table. I would imagine this might be best done using a predefined template that would map to the appropriate email fields (sender/from, subject, body, attachments, cc addresses). This would be very similar to the way Slack, Jira, MS Teams, etc. allow email to be used as an input source for discussions, etc.
I think this would be an excellent feature to include in the paid versions and would extend the functionality. For example, I am in the middle of a website rollout and would like to gather testing feedback from our team. Ideally, I would have testers use a form, but an email would also be an excellent “low friction” way for many of our testers to provide that info.
Obviously, this would require some thought, but I do think it would improve collaboration capabilities. If this is something the AT community/product team has considered, I would love to know your thoughts.
Thanks and thank you for such a great product that is a joy to work with.