
Share your favorite Community resource!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there Community, happy December!

If you're anything like me, you love a good resource. Anything from my favorite recipe, "how-tos" for my home or tips for my yoga and meditation practice, I love to bookmark and squirrel things away in folders for when I'll need them in the future. 

This is especially true for work. I'm constantly saving bookmarks in my browser, categorized into folders according to the platform, app, strategy, etc. And I refer back to them time and time again.

This got me thinking... you all probably have Airtable Community threads that you refer back to, and I'd like to open up this space for you all to share! Whether its a solution that you personally sought out by posting a question of your own, or you stumbled upon a discussion from a year ago that helped solve your use case, comment directly to this thread to share it with others! This can also be an Airtable Guide, Article, or Announcement Blog. Feel free to tag others who were involved in the resource so they know that their posts have made a lasting impact!

Looking forward to seeing all the great content here - happy sharing!

2 Replies 2

I'd like to thank @NR for finding this thread about scripting hash indexes started by @Bill_French. This thread is the one that prompted NR to go searching for that thread by performing an exhaustive search of all threads that Bill started.

Some day, this gem will be lost as well.

It's so meta to be searching for an article about how I can't find anything.