5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast
since ‎Apr 26, 2020
‎Nov 29, 2022

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So, I need to query AirTable in my Node app to only return records that match a given field value. My query looks kind of like this: await base(baseName).select({ fields: […], maxRecords: 100, filterByFormula: “?” }); Here’s the catch. In the filterB...
Hey all. I’m tasked with doing some automation of a few processes. As part of this task, I need to create several records in an AirTable base. I’m using AirtablJS, with typescript typings from DefinitelyTyped. I was wondering how I can create multipl...
How do I go about executing some code in response to events like when a new record is added? Is there like an “on insert” event I can attach a function to? If not, I’d there a work around for this? Basically, my task is to perform some operations whe...
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