5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast
since ‎Apr 29, 2018
‎Oct 10, 2024

User Statistics

  • 6 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
  • 21 Kudos received

User Activity

What is the proposed idea/solution?In interface page layouts, add the ability to collapse groups so that the header is visible but the fields nested beneath are not. An added bonus would be the ability to select whether a group is expanded or collaps...
I'm using interfaces to surface training records for search and rescue dogs. Each discipline (human remains detection, live find, tracking/trailing) has different fields associated with it. I currently am working around this constraint by having mult...
I’m using a chart block to track number/type of events over time. Some months we’ll have 2, some months we’ll have none. In the current chart block, months with no data do not appear, making it impossible to tell the overall timeline at a glance with...
Looking for someone who can help integrate services to do the following: User: Enters time + lat/long System: Finds weather station closest to lat/longLooks up historical data for specified date/timeAdds temperature, humidity, wind direction, & wind ...
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