5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast
since ‎Sep 03, 2021
‎Nov 29, 2022

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  • 7 Posts
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I have a table for physical addresses and a formula field to convert linked records to an array. Below is an example of the array. “Main Residence: 123 Main, New York, NY 10001”, “Office: 789 Left Ave, 3b, New York, NY 10001”, “Vacation: 456 Right St...
See the attached screenshot for an idea of what I’m trying to accomplish. I’m using a formula to concatenate the names of sellers and buyers. Simple except that if there are two or more names, how can I remove the identical last name, or add an & bet...
I could use some assistance with extracting a word from a string. Here is an example of the string. 200 East Broadway #Z001 (Jacob to Seymore) This is the formula that almost has what I need but missing something. MID({Transaction Name}, SEARCH("#",{...
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