I'd love to do this, too.After looking into the code a bit, I found that the background colour applies to the view itself (when you click "View larger version", you'll see the name of the view on top, and behind that is the view's background colour),...
Airtable support just got back to me saying they've been able to fix the issue and I can confirm it's working again for me. From their email:Thank you for hanging with us while our engineering team worked on a fix for the Find Records action step bei...
I'm also having this issue- I tried replicating existing parts of automations that I set up before today and it won't let me. But it was definitely working fine last week. I'm contacting Airtable support to see if they can sort out what's going on
You are definitely not the only one experiencing this issue: https://community.airtable.com/t5/automations/cannot-assign-list-of-object-to-collection-of-complex-types/td-p/138877