4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer
since ‎Jan 24, 2023

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  • 10 Posts
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  • 1 Kudos given
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In my automation script I am running a fetch request. In some cases the fetch requests takes longer than 30 seconds which results in an error. I don't really care about the fetch request result because it is a post request that is doing all it needs ...
In scripts we have input.buttonsAsync to create a n input button but if i would like to give a list with many options to choose from that is not very ideal. Is there any way to have a dropdown list (that is searchable & can have a default value)?On a...
I am new to scripting & know that I dont know exactly what I am doing however I like to learn & am kind of learning on the job taking it 1 step at a time.When creating a script the following code will allow the user to choose which table & field they...
I would like to create an extension that will generate mock data using the faker.js library.I would want it to ask me which table I want to generate the data & how many rows (maximum 50 due to the limitation in Airtable).It should also exclude the au...
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