
Script exceeded execution time limit of 30 seconds because of long running fetch request

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In my automation script I am running a fetch request. In some cases the fetch requests takes longer than 30 seconds which results in an error. I don't really care about the fetch request result because it is a post request that is doing all it needs to however the error each time it runs is annoying.

DOes anyone have any suggestions on how I can run the fetch request without waiting for a response? Or perhaps there is a way to handle the error gracefully?

1 Reply 1

Hello @yiddy,
First of all can you please share your Automation Scripting block code. Then peoples can see it and give suggestion for optimization.
Also mention API documentation link that where do you post the data.

Mostly single reauest is works fine with that 30 second threshhold. So based on your request/response data I can give you more idea about it.

Another external option is use automation where it accept data as we webhook. You need to send data from airtable to Make using that same script then it will handle everything. Using of this method you don't need to care anything just need to send data to Make.

I hope this helps to you.