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Hey folks,

We are implementing Airtable OAuth integration, and we are getting the following error:

You have reached the maximum access authorizations for this integration. You cannot authorize this integration again until you revoke at least one of the authorizations
Is there public documentation and explanation of this error?


Hi @Artur_Mkrtchya1 
I see you submitted a support ticket for this and have received an answer there, but I wanted to post it here in case others are running into the same error.

The limit on this is 20 for a single user, in other words, one single user is able to authorize the same integration no more than 20 times.

If a user hits this error, they will need to revoke an authorization before being able to authorize a new one. They can do this by clicking their avatar > Integrations > Third-party integrations > Clicking on one of the appropriate integrations > Revoke access.

Thanks for highlighting that this knowledge isn't public-facing. We are working to get that information added to this article!

Hi @Artur_Mkrtchya1 
I see you submitted a support ticket for this and have received an answer there, but I wanted to post it here in case others are running into the same error.

The limit on this is 20 for a single user, in other words, one single user is able to authorize the same integration no more than 20 times.

If a user hits this error, they will need to revoke an authorization before being able to authorize a new one. They can do this by clicking their avatar > Integrations > Third-party integrations > Clicking on one of the appropriate integrations > Revoke access.

Thanks for highlighting that this knowledge isn't public-facing. We are working to get that information added to this article!

@Vic_Airtable thanks a lot for answereing here too! It happens that users select the wrong scopes and need to re-authorize I think all of those re-authorize attempts will be counted against 20, and it might be easy to hit the limits. Another follow-up would be how users can differentiate integrations/authorizations one from another.

@Vic_Airtable Is there an API request to manually revoke a given token, allowing an app to ensure it only has a single token per user?
