8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer
since ‎Oct 25, 2022

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  • 110 Posts
  • 6 Solutions
  • 46 Kudos given
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Hi everyone, I'm really bad with the formula field!I'm trying to create a formula that prints "OK" if each user that I added has an active status; if some users have inactive status, print "not everyone," and if nobody has an active status, print "no...
Hi, I'm feeling a little stupid in this moment, because I know that I'm doing a little mistake藍 but I can't find it!I need to print the actual hour, so if now it is 10:31 am, I need that the result is 10. I'm trying to use DATETIME_FORMAT and SET_TIM...
Hi, I'm having a little trouble with a project.I have a table called "Report" with the report names, submitted by, email address, and attachments and another table (Contact list) with a contact list with just names and emails.My customers have to fil...
Hi, I used this automation for 1 year, and it has always worked, but today it started to fail to run. It is just an easy automation; when my customers fill out a form, a record is created in a table, and the automation sends an email. What can I do t...
What is the proposed idea/solution?I would like to share an interface with a person that hasn't an Airtable account.How does is solve the user problems?In this way people without an account could see only that interface (not the base) through a link....