8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer
since ‎Apr 18, 2023
‎Nov 23, 2024

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Over the last week or 2, the android airtable app has become next to unusable.If I perform any operation in the airtable app (modifying a record/creating a record etc), and then need to switch to another view or another table, I can't. I tap to chang...
I have a conditional automation. One of the conditions is that the actions only run if Formula = 1. However, airtable returns an error when this condition is included. The field is formatted as a number field. How do I get airtable to evaluate whethe...
I have a series of automations with various linked fields, but there is one user action I am struggling to create. For some minimal context, this is for recording and calculating mineral amendments to garden beds on a small market garden.In a particu...
The relatively recent addition of "default to current date" is really useful on date fields, where 95% of the time the user is going to select "today."However, it seems that the field doesn't use our local timezone, unless I enable "display time." I ...
I have a base that is largely used for planning.I have a lot of automations. Often one action sets off a chain of 4-5 automations.Because I use this base for planning, records get deleted often as part of my workflow (i.e. I change my mind).An unfort...