6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
since ‎Oct 16, 2019
‎Nov 29, 2022

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  • 16 Posts
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The sub domain (this) is OK but no connection to base domain. No pages being served?
Testing an export to CSV process, to match BigBusiness. This is only a 2 record test. Setting up the field and linking to my Master table - no problem. Everything works as expected in Airtable. The CSV downloads but there is no data! (see image). It ...
HI all, I am trying to use a base to “build” and format HTML that can be copy/pasted into an E-bay description page. This would then save me tons of time and give me unity in my listings. I can get output as simple text, but line breaks, bold font an...
To enable working offline, and saving valuable data usage (Satellite), does the desktop support local (offline) configuration of tables, views etc, and then permit a “refresh” of the published new version? We are lucky to get 4meg/sec during daytime ...
While most of you are probably on really high speed networks with unlimited bandwidth, us users in rural America need relatively expensive satellite connectivity. Even our “Free” time is limited and that’s between 2-8 A.M. The question then is: Does...