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Re: [422] Unknow field name - but it exists...

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I'm getting a 422 error saying my column "Step" doesn't exists, but the column exists and I haven't touched it. 


When trying the module alone, it works. But when I run the automation and the strings are mapped, it doesn't




3 Replies 3

Could you try hitting "Refresh", save the module and scenario and see if that helps?

Screenshot 2024-06-13 at 11.11.34 AM.png
If it's not too much work I'd suggest just deleting the existing module and setting it up again; might be faster than trying to troubleshoot it


4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I've tried that and other few things:
- "Refresh" within the module.
- Clone to a new one
- Create 1 from scratch
- Testing the module with the inputs by hand (it works) but when I map it and run the automation, it breaks. 


Man, that's frustrating.  At that point I'd just try making a whole new scenario as it just seems like the data's cached somehow.  Hopefully someone else has a better idea