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Re: Automation not working sometimes

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hi. Im having two issues with automations. Thanks in advance for any help - Michael

1. My automations only run when a new or matching record is submitted through a form. If I do so on the table itself which the trigger is set up to monitor for either matching or new records, the automation doesn't run. Am unclear why?

2. My automations for matching records will only run on new matching records (submitted through a form) and not on all the matching records on the table. What do I need to adjust? 

Thanks again!

5 Replies 5
7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Hi @MJaffe,

What exactly are you trying to look for with the trigger? Or in other words, what exactly do you want to trigger the automation? For example, every time there is a new record, or when a record is updated etc. If you can provide a screenshot of the automation trigger and explain what your trying to achieve in more detail I could help give a better insight into why its not working!


Thank you Valentino. The trigger I have is when record on my Input table matches two criteria (Capital call or distribution), a new record will be created in a table called Capital calls. (See image) This only runs when I make a new record with one of these labels through a form even though there are a number on the input table that matches these criteria.  



Hi @MJaffe,

Option 1: You could make the trigger 'when a record is updated' and select those two fields (Capital call & Distribution). So this will trigger when one of those fields are updated. 

Option 2: You could have the trigger 'when a record is created' and then run those conditional actions. So if a new record is created, it will search the criteria and if the conditions are met it will run.

Option 3: You can create a view that has the conditions (Capital call or distribution). Then lock the view to ensure the automation doesn't by mistake. Then the trigger could be 'when a record enters a view' and then select the view you created. Then you can have a conditional automation afterwards (or just a simple create record action).

It really depends on what suits your work flow and when you want the trigger to happen. Hope this helps. Let me know if any of the options work 👍

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Thanks again. To confirm on the 3 points:

1) I will have to update all records for the trigger to work? 

2) This will only work on new records, as is happening?

3) This actually worked without worrying about the trigger and action as I can reference it in the UI. Thanks!

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

The above were three examples of how you could get the automation to run more smoothly depending on your workflow. But it seems like you got it all fixed? 

Your welcome 👍