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Automation when DATE is Today - Change Time

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

I have a "Send an email" automation set up with the trigger "when {{Date field}} is one week from now."

It's working great, except the emails are going out just after midnight. I'd prefer them to go around 9am. I have added a time to my date field, but that does not seem to work. 

Any advice? 






3 Replies 3
Community Manager
Community Manager

I would add a field that is datetime_diff(duedate, now(), 'hours'), then when your hours_till_due  = 168 (hours) send your email.  Then you can send it out at 9AM.  If you change that due time to noon, it would send those out at noon.

Thanks Dan! I thought something like this would work, was just hoping there was a native option using the time within the date field. But this workaround will do! 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Since I first responded I learned about IS_after formula.   See if that works for you.