
Re: Automations

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi! I am trying to create an automation that would allow be to block a "single select" option on a form when this option is booked somewhere else. To explain it better, I want to say: When a room (single select on form) is booked (single select on form), cross out this option on the room list (single select on form). I would love if someone could help me out with the formulas I need to use?

Thank you 🙂

4 Replies 4
11 - Venus
11 - Venus

Hi @Beatriz ,

Dynamic single (multi) selects are not available in Airtable.
I recommend creating a Rooms table and using a Link field to other tables.
This can be easily realized by creating a filtered View with no bookings in the Rooms table.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Thank you @Sho 

just to be sure that I understood, can you tell me if the function is really not possible?

So the facts:

- we have a form where you can ask for a room (with a single select) 

- when we receive the form we change the status (with a single selct) as it can be validated or not

- we have on the same form a calendar where people can choose the date they want the room

What I want to do is:

say if the (room) is (xxx) 

and the (status) is (validated)

and (date chose) is equal to (date start of event) 

send message "room not available"


11 - Venus
11 - Venus

It is not possible to dynamically display messages or change items on the Airtable form view.
It may be possible if you use a high functionality form from another service, but I am not familiar with the other services. (@ScottWorld is familiar with them)
If I think just with Airtable, it would be possible to have them check the calendar view for available rooms in advance, input everything on the form, and send a completion email or a reservation invalidation email after submitting.

18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Thanks for the shoutout, @Sho!

As @Sho previously said, you can use linked record fields to make linked record fields automatically filter themselves.

But you won’t be able to combine fields to determine availability, nor will you be able to display any messages on your form.

I don’t know if any of the external Airtable form apps can handle your needs either, but you might want to check if Fillout or Noloco can handle this.

In any case, your needs are too complex for Airtable to handle on its own, but if you find a custom JavaScript website developer to work on your website for you, they could always write custom code to do this for you. You may want to contact @JonathanBowen of DragonDrop, who is the top JavaScript website developer for Airtable-based websites.

Alternatively, you could always turn to a more complex database system like FileMaker, which could natively handle this. I used to be a FileMaker developer for 30 years, but now I only do Airtable consulting. However, if you contact me through my Airtable consulting website, I can refer you to some great FileMaker developers.