Estate Agent looking for a quick way to schedule our viewing requests.
We get anywhere from 15 to 60 viewing requests per property we sell, and would like a quicker way of organising them.
Currently we ask for peoples ‘general availability’ over the coming week (we list properties on Monday’s normally) - from here we put it all into a spreadsheet with their preferred day, then confirm appointments to them after about 1-2 hours of working put a schedule where EVERYONE can get a viewing.
We’d use a tool where people can book themselves in, however 1) with so many viewings if people book themselves in people miss out and 2) on one or more days you get people right at the start of the day and one at the end of the day, so makes the rest of the business inefficient (we are a two person team so super important to be as efficient as poss)
Is there a way of creating a table where we can put in peoples availability and it organises it into the most efficient workflow…?
Any help is super appreciated!