Feb 19, 2022 12:58 PM
2 tables: Projects & Tasks.
Projects has fields “Project”–Project 1, Project 2, … and “Stage”–A, B, or C.
Tasks has fields “Task”–string, “Owner”–John or Jane, and “Task Stage”–A, B, or C.
Based on matching “Stage” in Projects & Tasks, I would like to populate newly generated assigned task tables, John’s Tasks & Jane’s Tasks, specific to “Owner” in Tasks.
Example: (one record in each table → desired output)
Projects - “Project” = Project 1; “Stage” = A
Tasks - “Task” = ‘fill out forms’; “Owner” = John; “Task Stage” = A
“Project”, “Stage”, “Task” should populate a record in John’s Tasks table.
(Project 1, A, ‘fill out forms’)
Can someone help?
Feb 19, 2022 05:25 PM
Does John/Jane need their own tables? Couldn’t you just have two filtered Views in the task Table?
Feb 23, 2022 11:35 AM
They can be in the same table.
The functionality I’m missing is having tasks populate by Project based on Project Stage.
Feb 23, 2022 11:47 AM
I don’t know what you mean by populate.
You have one table for Projects that links to Tasks. Each task has a field that links to its project and its owner. If you want to see the linked project’s {Stage} then add a Lookup field to the Task table that pulls in that info from the Projects table.
If you mean “when I assign a Project to a particular stage, auto-generate one or more Task records in the Task table” then do something like this:
Feb 23, 2022 11:55 AM
Thank you, I’ll try this.