I hit a similar limitation with Interface Forms recently, where I wanted to trigger an Automation. For ... reasons... I ended up embedding a View Form link within the Interface Form button, that starts the new record process, and allowed an Automation to be specifically tied to that Record Creation via the View Form trigger - and upon completing that View Form, I used some URL RecordID trickery to return the user back to the Interface form of their newly created record, where they can continue working.
Importantly, Airtable devs literally just added a new feature to View Forms that allows you to capture the Users Airtable profile to identify the user who created the record - which is ****ing fantastic! 😃

With a mix of traditional View Forms nested within Interface Buttons, that then return to the interface upon View Form submission (and that trigger View Form automation), you can do some very clever things.
That's not to say however, that we shouldn't nag Airtable developers to improve their Automation triggers, to specify triggers for ALL types of record creation, including Interface Forms - and even allow for multiple selection of Record Trigger types, a feature that is desperately needed by myself.