Hi there! I am trying to create a form that will allow someone to book a specific desk for a specific period of time. I would like to be able to automate the form to A) Remove a desk as an option if it's already been booked during a specific time period and B) Add it back as an available option after the specific time period has ended.
We have desk ABC and desk DEF available. Person 1 goes to the form and books desk ABC from May 10-12. Person 2 goes to the form looking to book a desk from May 10-12: desk ABC will not be an option because it's already been booked during that time period so they book the available desk DEF. Person 3 goes to the form to book a desk for May 13 and both desk ABC and desk DEF are once again available for booking.
I am stuck on how to get this set up via a condition or formula and any help would be appreciated!