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Topic Labels: Automations Integrations
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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi there,

Is it possible to use Automations to create calendar events for Outlook which hide the attendee list? I can create events fine using my fields, but the attendee list is shared in full.

1 Reply 1

I could be wrong about this, but as far as I know, I don’t think this is available on an event-by-event basis.

I think you have to set this at the calendar account level (i.e. for all events on the calendar).

However, if I’m wrong about this, and it is available through Outlook’s API, then you would need to either write your own custom JavaScript to do this or use Make’s Outlook Make An API call to do this.

Perhaps someone else can chime in below if  they have information on this being available in Microsoft’s API. 

If it is available through the API, and you need to hire someone to help you integrate the API, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable Consulting — ScottWorld