
Re: Prefill form depending on website subpage URL?

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4 - Data Explorer

Hey Guys,

I am building a directory of engineering teams where each team has their profile and projects. Each project is also a separate page. All done using webflow. Airtable is my backend.

I would like to build a connect airtable form that will prefill website url or slug on each project or profile. Example project with webflow form:

So in other words i would like to have a form that will catch URL of it’s page. The goal here is to match a lead that would like to contact selected team.

Is that possible?

1 Reply 1

Hey @Robert_Matyszewski2

We have a prefill option with our On2Air Forms product.

You can set it up to prefill the form URL for each option.

You can also use it to filter records and display data from your base once a selection is made (not possible with typical Airtable forms).

So, if someone choose a lead, team, or a project, you can then have it display the info related to that lead, team, or project.

Here’s an example-

Hannah - - Automated Backups for Airtable