Nov 01, 2023 02:47 PM
Hi all,
I've found a script that I've used as a script app to compress all of the images in my tables. Now I would like to turn that into an automation, so when I upload a new image it will use my tinypng account's api to compress the image. I've changed the script a bit in order for it to work as an automation but I don't know how to fix this error.
My code:
// Modify these to your own values.
let tinyPngApiKey = '00000';
let airtableAttachmentSource = 'Billeder';
let airtableAttachmentDestination = 'Billeder';
let airtableColumnToLog = 'Billeder';
// Don't change these unless you know what you're doing.
let table = base.getTable("Anlæg");
let view = table.getView("Alle anlæg");
let queryResult = await view.selectRecordsAsync();
for (let record of queryResult.records) {
let attachments = record.getCellValue(airtableAttachmentSource);
let compressedImageUrls = [];
if (attachments && attachments.length > 0) {
// Iterate through each attachment in the field.
for (let [i, attachment] of attachments.entries()) {
let recordAttachmentUrl = attachment['url'];
console.log(`Compressing ${record.getCellValue(airtableColumnToLog)} (Image ${i + 1})`);
let request = await fetch('', {
body: JSON.stringify({'source': {'url': recordAttachmentUrl}}),
headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic ' + btoa('api:' + tinyPngApiKey),
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
method: 'POST'
const json = await request.json();
// Checks that the API didn't fail.
if (request.status == 201) {
let percentReduced = Math.round((1 - json.output.ratio) * 100);
let kbReduced = (json.input.size - json.output.size) / 1024;
console.log('Panda just saved you ' + percentReduced + '% (' + Math.round(kbReduced) + 'KB).');
// Add the compressed image URL to the array.
compressedImageUrls.push({ url: json['output']['url'] });
// Update the record with all the compressed image URLs.
await table.updateRecordAsync(, {
[airtableAttachmentDestination]: compressedImageUrls,
Any help would be much appreciated.
Nov 01, 2023 04:51 PM