// Retrieve all input variables in a single input.config() call
let { pdfFile, lieferant, recordId } = input.config(); // Destructure to get multiple values
console.log("PDF File Structure at Start: ", JSON.stringify(pdfFile, null, 2));
let pdfUrl; // Declare it here to ensure it's accessible outside the block
// Check if a PDF exists in the input and is properly structured
if (Array.isArray(pdfFile)) {
console.log(`pdfFile length: ${pdfFile.length}`);
if (pdfFile.length > 0 && typeof pdfFile[0] === 'string') {
pdfUrl = pdfFile[0]; // Since pdfFile is an array of URLs, directly access the first URL
console.log("PDF URL: ", pdfUrl);
// Output PDF URL to verify the content
output.set("message", `Record for ${lieferant} (Record ID: ${recordId}) successfully updated with PDF URL: ${pdfUrl}`);
} else {
console.log("pdfFile is not an array of strings or has no valid URLs.");
output.set("message", "No valid PDF URL found.");
throw new Error("No valid PDF URL found, stopping script.");
} else {
console.log("pdfFile is not an array or is undefined.");
output.set("message", "No valid PDF found in the record.");
throw new Error("No valid PDF found, stopping script.");
let extracted_pdf_text = `
Best-Nr. Kunde: 2024-2933
Auftrags-Nr.: 1016366083
Material: CZ-NS5P
Bezeichnung: SOLAR KIT
Menge: 6 ST
Preis: 84.00
Betrag: 504.00
Liefertermin: 2024-10-01
HERE KEYS ETC // Parse the response from OpenAI
let openaiResponse = await response.json();
// Log the full response to understand its structure
console.log("Full OpenAI Response:", JSON.stringify(openaiResponse, null, 2));
// Check if the response contains the expected structure
if (!openaiResponse.choices || !openaiResponse.choices[0] || !openaiResponse.choices[0].message || !openaiResponse.choices[0].message.content) {
console.error("Unexpected OpenAI response structure:", openaiResponse);
output.set("message", "Unexpected OpenAI response structure.");
throw new Error("Unexpected OpenAI response structure.");
let extractedData = openaiResponse.choices[0].message.content.trim();
// Convert the OpenAI response into JSON (assuming valid JSON)
let jsonData;
try {
jsonData = JSON.parse(extractedData);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to parse OpenAI response as JSON:", extractedData);
output.set("message", "Failed to parse OpenAI response as JSON.");
throw new Error("Failed to parse OpenAI response as JSON.");
// Log the extracted data from OpenAI
console.log("Extracted Data from OpenAI:", jsonData);
// Check Airtable field names to map them correctly
let table = base.getTable('Bestellung aus Disposition');
let fieldNames = table.fields.map(field => field.name);
console.log("Available Field Names: ", fieldNames);
// Ensure we're accessing the first object in the array
let extractedObject = jsonData[0];
// Extract the numeric part of "Menge" but treat it as text since all fields are single-line text fields
let mengeValue = extractedObject["Menge"] ? extractedObject["Menge"].split(" ")[0] : null; // Just the number part as a string
// Log the data being sent to Airtable to verify we're sending the correct fields
console.log("Data being sent to Airtable:", {
"AB Best.-Nr.": extractedObject["Bestellnummer"],
"AB Menge": mengeValue,
"AB Preis": extractedObject["Preis"],
"AB Liefertermin": extractedObject["Liefertermin"],
"AB Angebotsnummer": extractedObject["Auftragsnummer"],
"AB Material": extractedObject["Material"],
"AB Bezeichnung": extractedObject["Bezeichnung"],
"AB Betrag": extractedObject["Betrag"]
try {
await table.updateRecordAsync(recordId, {
"AB Best.-Nr.": extractedObject["Bestellnummer"], // Send as string
"AB Menge": mengeValue, // Send as string
"AB Preis": extractedObject["Preis"], // Send as string
"AB Liefertermin": extractedObject["Liefertermin"], // Send as string
"AB Angebotsnummer": extractedObject["Auftragsnummer"], // Send as string
"AB Material": extractedObject["Material"], // Send as string
"AB Bezeichnung": extractedObject["Bezeichnung"], // Send as string
"AB Betrag": extractedObject["Betrag"] // Send as string
console.log("Record successfully updated.");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error updating record:", error);
output.set("message", `Record for ${lieferant} (Record ID: ${recordId}) successfully updated with data from PDF file: ${pdfUrl}.`);