Have been trying to get the subject line on the “At a scheduled time” trigger to say the end of the week in ‘Mmm DD, YYYY’ format but haven’t found any way to do that. Tried instead make a field that displays the end of the week, but the automation cannot add that field on to the subject line. If anyone else has suggestions, would love to know!
On another note, here is the formula I made for the end of the week field, in case it helps anyone!
SWITCH(WEEKDAY({Start Date.}),
1,DATETIME_FORMAT(DATEADD({Start Date.},6,‘day’),‘MMM DD, YYYY’),
2,DATETIME_FORMAT(DATEADD({Start Date.},5,‘day’),‘MMM DD, YYYY’),
3,DATETIME_FORMAT(DATEADD({Start Date.},4,‘day’),‘MMM DD, YYYY’),
4,DATETIME_FORMAT(DATEADD({Start Date.},3,‘day’),‘MMM DD, YYYY’),
5,DATETIME_FORMAT(DATEADD({Start Date.},2,‘day’),‘MMM DD, YYYY’),
6,DATETIME_FORMAT(DATEADD({Start Date.},1,‘day’),‘MMM DD, YYYY’),