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Events CRM - track attendance

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hi Airtable Community!

I've been tasked with creating a CRM for Events invites and attendance tracking and would love any input on best ways to proceed. So far I have a "Contacts" table and an "Events" table, which are linked based on who got an invite to what event. 

The problem is, for certain events, we also want to track who RSVP'd and who attended the event on a contact by contact basis so we can reach out, follow-up after, etc. We ideally want to keep the base as clean as possible. I see two potential avenues (and am leaning towards the first) but would love other ideas that might be more straightforward/simple for those who aren't familiar with Airtable to navigate.

  1. create a new table solely to track RSVPs and attendance. This table would pull in the contact and the specific event they are attending so that every record is "Contact - Event" and tag accordingly with their RSVP status. Views for each event can then be created to summarize attendance.
  2. create a new field in "Contacts" for every event that tracks the RSVP status for that event and hide all previous columns once the event is done.

would appreciate any thoughts, no idea is a bad idea!

2 Replies 2
4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

hii, did u ever figure out a way to create this - working on a slightly similar project and would love some ideas!

Hi there! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to come up with an especially clean solution. I stuck with option 2 and manually created a new field for every event that we have to check for those who attended.