Hello im working on linking two tables in a base that we use for asset tracking. One table is MOV 24 (movement records) and the other is ASSETS 24 (asset records). In the Movement table (which has a forum to generate movement records), there are multiple Lookup fields that can only look into specific views of ASSETS. For example the radio assets are all assigned an asset number {ASS-ID} in the asset table. In the MOV forum there is a pathway to record the intake of an item from the radio vendor. When recording the MOVement there is a field for Serial Number. I have successfully created a Rollup that is taking the serial number from golf cart intake movement records, but when i try to duplicate the same process for the radio records i am not seeing any information roll up. Any advice would be appreciated!
Here is a view of the Carts View on the ASSets Table(which only shows records which have C/UTV in the field {ASS-Which}) and you can see the golf cart SN is rolling up from the MOVement record.
Here you can see the movement record where intake of a golf cart was recorded, the ASSet number was linked in the record so the SN was rolled up.
Here you can see the same type of record was recorded filling in the radio serial number vs the cart one.
Here you can see the issue, that the radio SN is not rolling up from the radio movement record .
Love Burn Director of Operations