Base Design
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Base Design Activity

Create a table showing subtotals from another table

Hi all,I am having a little trouble. I have a base where all my transactions are summarised in a grid view as below.That works like a dream. Now I need to do two calculation, First I need to minus the subtotal Cost of Goods from the Income. I know I ...

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Resolved! AirTable -- Fillout Updating Record

Hi. I've got a base in AirTable which I need to be able others to update through a form in fillout. I only want specific fields to be updated by the form. In the case as shown in the screenshot I only want people to change the status and no other fie...

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Marcin by 5 - Automation Enthusiast

Create the architecture of a campaign

Hi,  I'm having trouble understanding how to do what I want to do.I want to create a campaign. Not necessarily send emails from Airtable but structure and track the progress of a campaign.I'm trying to make a "Campaigns" table where each record is a ...

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Record Template Failure

I have a Record Template. It has three relevant Tiers:Project> Phases> TasksWhen I use the template to create a new project, the project name get tagged to the phases and the tasks to the phases, but not the tasks to the project. so i have to manuall...

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jkd by 4 - Data Explorer

Employee daily schedule - Drag and drop timeline view

I have been working on a base design for some times but I am missing a feature and was wondering if someone here could help me.Goal of the base : Be able to assign employee to a certain project for each day of the week by dragging and dropping their ...

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Multiple Approver Workflow

I am trying to figure out how to build a workflow that would allow multiple user to approve a creative asset before status changes to approved.Right now I'm using a user column to assign an approver.  Then the record viewer interface to approve using...

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Database Structure for Opportunity Tracker with History

Thanks in advance.  And sorry if this has already been answered.  I couldn't find a good post about this.Developing a base to track opportunities based on a weekly call and ~20 columns of relevant data in many different data formats.  I'd like to use...

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Doing a rollup with conditions based on dynamic values

This is related to a Rollup field. This can allow you to tick 'Only include linked records from the Properties table that meet certain conditions'.Is it possible to do the value of the condition, based on a value in the current record? I want to do t...

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Sorting and filtering with feet and inches

Hey,I have a base where I am storing the height of people, I would like to store the height in feet and inches.I also need to sort and filter by this field as well.I found 4 options that I can do:- I can store it as a string, but then I cant really s...

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