May 26, 2020 05:14 PM
Hello! We have a little new block in beta that you might find useful if you store JSON in your tables. You can select a cell in grid view for a single line or long text field, then start typing in the block to add or change the JSON contents.
The JSON editor block makes it easier to work with JSON by formatting the contents of the field with colored syntax, indenting, and warnings for malformed JSON.
Click here to join the beta. Once you click that link, the “JSON editor” block will be available in the list of blocks when you go to install a block.
P.S. we’ve open sourced this block here so you can remix it if you’re in the custom blocks beta: GitHub - Airtable/apps-json-editor
May 27, 2020 10:38 AM
May 27, 2020 10:57 AM
Whoops, it’s in a locked category. Well basically the idea of having a centralized Beta announcement/sign-up page has been suggested, namely that every open beta be announced in the Announcement category, probably with a tag of “beta release” or something similar.