Sep 12, 2023 01:51 PM
Hello there,
I've developed a workflow that follows these steps:
1) When a record is updated, all the product's fields are watched
2) With these watched fields, a new script will run. The main goal with this script is taking the product's information, then making a PUT request to an external JSON API by taking the product's SKU.
When I test the script, it runs successfully, but the response logs:
Does anyone knows why this is happening? Is it an error in Airtable or in the external API server? Thanks in advance!
The code goes like this:
//input of modified product
let inputConfig = input.config();
//Fetch for external API and JSON creation
let response = await fetch(`http://.../${inputConfig.sku[0]}`, {
method: 'PUT',
body: JSON.stringify({
"product": {
"ean": inputConfig.ean[0],
"sku": inputConfig.sku[0],
"brand": inputConfig.brand[0],
"short_description": inputConfig.short_description[0],
"description": inputConfig.description[0],
"cost_price": inputConfig.cost_price[0],
"price": inputConfig.price[0],
"gd_size_reference": inputConfig.gd_size_reference[0],
"track_inventory": inputConfig.track_inventory[0],
"available_on": inputConfig.available_on[0],
"tax_category_id": inputConfig.tax_category_id[0],
"stock_items_attributes": [
"stock_location_id": inputConfig.stock_location_id[0],
"count_on_hand": inputConfig.count_on_hand[0],
"taxon_ids": [
"taxon_id": inputConfig.taxon_ids[0],
headers: {
'Authorization': 'eyJh...',
console.log(await response.json());
Sep 12, 2023 06:13 PM
Perhaps JSON does not match the data structure of the external API.
Need to check the documentation.