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compare URLs

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator


Trying to compare URLs in a Search records module in MAKE.

Want to find the 1 record where the URL in the table equals a URL passed from a previous module in MAKE.

Can't get it to work.... the formula in AT directly does work, but within MAKE, it simply does not. Added the trim function just in case, tried with the URL as URL field and as text field in AT.... tried with typing = and with the = operator sign in MAKE. Nothing seems to work. Where am I going wrong here?

{{if(trim(11.uri) = trim("{Record URI}"); 1; 0)}}


1 Reply 1
6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

just for clarity... this is the formula I got in MAKE... it gives no results
