Hello All,
I've been attempting to create a more efficient way for my organization to sort through volunteers and create a matching system to the elderly. So far, I've created two main tables: Volunteers and Old Friends that are populated by a use of forms. There are certain columns that are referenced in the forms controlled by other tables i.e. hobbies. Using Scripting in an attempt to create a system that can sort through the Volunteers table and Old Friends table to match based on the hobbies (to start, I plan on using other variables once I get this part working). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here are the links to the two tables:
Volunteers - https://airtable.com/app63KIAsdReM2VbZ/shrsqIBAQVIhCcfEA
Old Friends - https://airtable.com/app63KIAsdReM2VbZ/shrLDOcutrx5CNfjR
This is what I have from Scratch but I'm unsure where I am going wrong:
// Fetch the tables
let volunteersTable = base.getTable('Volunteers');
let oldFriendsTable = base.getTable('Old Friends');
// Fetch records from both tables
let volunteersQuery = await volunteersTable.selectRecordsAsync({
fields: ["ID", "Hobbies"]});
let oldFriendsQuery = await oldFriendsTable.selectRecordsAsync({
fields: ["Elder_ID", "Hobbies"]});
// Create arrays to store records from each table
let volunteersRecords = volunteersQuery.records;
let oldFriendsRecords = oldFriendsQuery.records;
// Array to store common hobbies matches
let commonHobbies = [];
// Compare records based on hobbies
for (let volunteer of volunteersRecords) {
let volunteerHobbies = volunteer.getCellValue('Hobbies') || [];
for (let oldFriend of oldFriendsRecords) {
let oldFriendHobbies = oldFriend.getCellValue('Hobbies') || [];
// Find common hobbies by converting hobbies to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
let common = volunteerHobbies.map(hobby => hobby)
.filter(hobby => oldFriendHobbies.map(hobby => hobby).includes(hobby));
if (common.length > 0) {
VolunteerID: volunteer.id,
OldFriendID: oldFriend.id,
CommonHobbies: common
// Output the results
if (commonHobbies.length > 0) {
} else {
output.text('No matching records found based on hobbies.');