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Dec 17, 2018 07:24 PM
Is it possible to share Blocks dashboards similar to or as part of how you share a view? The Timeline block is a better representation for our front-line teams to see at a glance than the calendar view. But I can’t see any way to share the Dashboard either as part of the view or on its own.
Dec 19, 2018 05:09 AM
You can share individual Blocks (it’s in beta), but I think you can’t share complete Dashboards.
Feb 23, 2019 12:29 PM
The ability to share Dashboards should be a priority for Airtable in my opinion. I have many clients that I’d like to share a Dashboard with rather than a View, or have the ability to share both the View and Dashboard Blocks related to that View.
Feb 23, 2019 07:05 PM
You could iFrame your blocks into a web page.
Something like can be used to build out a website entriely in AT. Check it out, might work for your use case.
Mar 19, 2019 07:03 AM
To add my two cents to the conversation: the ability to share a full dashboard would be very helpful for us. We’re using Airtable to manage a volunteer-led, staff-supported fundraising campaign and sharing the Dashboard in real time is a great way to build a sense of shared purpose. It would be great to be able to share the Dashboard without having to give someone access to the base.
Mar 22, 2019 12:59 PM
Is anyone aware of an update making the beta feature live?
May 17, 2019 08:46 PM
I agree that the ability to share a dashboard would be very useful.
Jul 09, 2019 06:41 AM
Same feeling here. I’m looking into pulling my airtable data into a google sheet than visualizing it for sharing. Could be better…
Mar 19, 2020 11:58 AM
I requested access to the beta feature, and it said I would receive a confirmation email, but I have not received confirmation. Is this beta still available?
Apr 16, 2020 08:37 AM
+1 for sharing a dashboard. It just makes perfect sense, this is what dashboard is all about