Oct 23, 2018 11:09 PM
I am using the Zapier trigger for ‘New Record In View’ to get records that have a date field that is equal to today’s date.
However, as I understand it, that trigger will only work the very first time that record is shown in the view.
Each record will show in this view once per year, and I’d like it to trigger each year. Seems like it won’t do that if it only triggers on the first time in that view.
Is there a workaround for this?
Jun 04, 2020 01:24 PM
I hope zapier/Airtable will add a feature soon to avoid using Integromat…
Some news about it ?
Jun 04, 2020 06:29 PM
@Mathieu_Quiniou If you want to use Zapier, you can use On2Air Actions.
Jun 04, 2020 09:28 PM
@Mathieu_Quiniou …and Integromat is very usable. It’s just a different setup process than working through Zapier.
Jun 05, 2020 12:55 AM
Hi @ScottWorld, thanks, I saw this solution, i’ll try this week-end, if it work, i’ll go definitly with it !
Hi @Justin_Barrett, thanks, I know a bit about Integromat, but the main problem is that we are using Mailjet, and they didn’t integrate it, so impossible for us at the moment …