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Re: Show latest checkbox

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Hi all !
I have 2 tables (N°1 and N°2)
I have an automation on the N°1 that creates record (named tasks) in the N°2
On the N°2, I have a checkbox field for each records it creates.
I’d like on the N°1 add a rollup or a formula that displays the latest checkbox that has been validated on the N°2.
Right now, im able to display the unchecked checkbox using rollup - but I can’t find a solution to only display the latest checked task. Do you have any recommendation ? thanks !

2 Replies 2

Finding the latest record (or the latest record matching certain criteria) is a common request, and the solution already exists in several places in the forum. Here’s the most recent time I’ve written about it. You should be able to adapt this concept to your situation pretty easily:

Hello !
I did check the forum before posting and tried many things …
I will try your example
many thanks for your help.