Nov 15, 2022 03:37 PM
How many sync connections can I get? With Pro account it says 10. Does it mean any direction?
Many to one:
B -->A
I assume this counts as 4 connections for table A.
Now the other way around - One to many:
A -->B
Would this count as 1 connection? Or will this count as 4 connections from table A.
Anybody knows the definition of the limits?
The question was asked here … kinda … but no answer other than suggestion to file a support ticket.
Nov 15, 2022 04:33 PM
I think you’re mixing up a couple of the limits relating to syncing. To clarify, Airtable’s pricing page says Pro Workspaces get 10 synced tables per base. A “synced table” does not refer to tables which have one or more views synced to somewhere else. A “synced table” is one that gets its data from one or more other sources. This terminology may shift if Airtable ever permits 2-way syncing.
There are effectively two types of sync sources: internal (a View/Table in another Airtable Base), and integrations/external (Google Calendar feed, Salesforce, etc.)
Pro Workspaces can have up to 7 sync integrations per Workspace. That means if you use all 7, the remaining sources you use must be from Airtable tables.
As implied above, bases in Pro Workspaces can have tables which can sync from multiple sources, and as of today that limit is 3 sources per table. That’s how you can get 3 different calendars synced into one table.
Relating the above back to the examples you gave:
Whether this hits any of the above limits depends: