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Automatic "back links" when self-linking a table — especially useful for org charts

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18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

This thread really highlighted the need for Airtable to automatically create “back links” (or “reverse links”) when you are creating a self-linking linked record field (i.e. a field relationship that links a table back to itself).

All other linked record fields in Airtable automatically create these “back links” or “reverse links”, but they don’t get created when doing a self-relationship within a single table.

This is especially crucial for using the Org chart block, which REQUIRES that you create a self-linking relationship within a table. The Org chart block doesn’t even support creating links between separate tables!

You’ll notice in the Org chart demonstration video that there are 2 self-linked fields: “Direct Reports” and “Direct Supervisors”. All of that data had to be manually inputted & manually verified by the user, because there is no automatic way to have those 2 fields automatically communicate with each other.

If you’re dealing with a very small number of records, it might be relatively easy & relatively trivial to manually input both sides of the links for every record. But once you start dealing with hundreds or thousands of records, it becomes a real chore to start manually managing all of these links.

Same problem if you’re trying to BREAK a self-relationship between 2 people. If you delete the relationship on one side, the relationship on the other side should AUTOMATICALLY break. But the way it is now, you actually have to remember to manually break both sides of the relationship.

Unfortunately, we only have 2 options for creating backlinks in Airtable:

(1) Write a custom JavaScript to handle this for us. Two scripts that do this are available here and here.


(2) For a no-code way of doing this that doesn’t require writing any programming code at all, we can use Make’s advanced Airtable automations, which is a no-code automation tool for Airtable.

But all of this should be natively built into Airtable. 

I was a FileMaker developer for over 30 years before becoming an Airtable consultant, and FileMaker is an advanced database app that natively solves this problem because backlinks are automatically built into the product.

FileMaker solves all the other Airtable limitations as well, because FileMaker is a full-blown programming language with no limits.

If anybody needs a referral to a FileMaker developer, feel free to reach out to me through my website:


8 - Airtable Astronomer
8 - Airtable Astronomer

A hundred times, YES! Please, I feel this has to be one of the easiest requests to implement, and would pay huge dividends to my base.

Thank you for listening!! My use case would not be possible without some of the improvements that have come out in just the last few months. I am always shocked at how recently Airtable became the tool it is today. I am glad I didn’t try to convince my boss to use it 6 months ago!

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Yes please! I’m looking for a way to create parent-child relationships between records in the same table, so I need the bi-directional link that occurs when linking between tables. Why doesn’t Airtable just create a new field in the same table for the bi-directional link, in exactly the same way it creates a new field in a different table for links?

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I’ve got to chime in here too - currently looking at a media project management-style base and it would be very handy to have these backlinks for child-parent relationships specifically!

18 - Pluto
18 - Pluto

Be sure to send an email to about this, to request it as a feature in Airtable!

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Bumping this. Could use it as well.

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Bumping also +1

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Bumping +1

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Has this been fixed yet?

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Not to my knowledge. Came here to request the same thing

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

Please please get this moving! 

We are attempting to formalise our processes a bit better so I am making a wiki for our company. Tasks can have have sub-tasks, and sub-tasks may form part of other tasks also. 

I currently create a link from a task to its many sub-tasks, but then there's no resulting linked record in the sub-task field. So without filtering, I have no idea which sub-tasks are part of which tasks. 

Very frustrating