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Calendar view enhancement requests (reminders, delete prompts, persistent view)

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

I would love to see some kind of reminder or alert system for items that are setup to display on Calendar views. One of my bases has a table that is used to keep track of follow-up calls to potential customers. If they’re called once and we schedule a follow-up, I have a column with a date/time format and a calendar based on that field. Without alerts, users are advised to check their calendar each morning and afternoon for upcoming scheduled follow-ups, but it would be great when adding a date/time to a column that is tied to a calendar if there could also be an option for reminders or alerts. Maybe something like Outlook reminders, 15 minutes before the time and the option to snooze for 5 minutes or dismiss completely.

Additionally, I’ve noticed that the view of records in the Calendar doesn’t persist when you leave and come back in. For instance, this table has over 1200 records but only some are going to have follow-up times on them. I change the view in the top right corner from “all records” to “records with dates” but it doesn’t stay that way if I leave and return. Due to the nature of the table and its size, displaying all records will never be useful so I’d like to avoid having to change it each time.

And finally, something I just noticed and am very concerned about, is the “delete” option when viewing an item from the Calendar. I just tested it and it doesn’t just delete/clear the info in the relevant date/time field, it deletes the entire record. There’s no prompt to confirm anything, so a simple misclick could completely remove a record from the table and this is a bit scary. I would think it would be far more often needed to simply clear the date field than to delete an entire record, especially from the Calendar view, but maybe it could be solved by asking which they’d like when clicking delete? I think any kind of data removal could benefit from a bit of an extra step to be sure that removal is intended.


Airtable Alumni (Retired)

For native reminders/notifications, this is certainly something we’re considering and we’ve gotten a lot of feedback about it. In the meantime, have you tried using our Zapier integrations? Perhaps you could try integrating Airtable with Google Calendar.

As for your concern about accidentally deleting records while in calendar view—if you wish to unschedule something, simply drag the record into the right-hand sidebar.

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

+1 for having a “Reminder/Alert via Email” option for Date/Time fields

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Hi @Katherine_Duh - Any movement towards a native Airtable reminder/notification feature? This is the one piece that keeps me from using Airtable for process management projects. Thanks!

Airtable Alumni (Retired)

Could you elaborate more on what you mean by “a native Airtable reminder/notification feature”? What particular features do you feel are missing from the current version of Airtable? For your workflow, how would notifications ideally work?

In the meantime: we recently added the collaborator field, which can be set to automatically notify a collaborator when they’ve been added to a record. This might be useful for you!

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Sure: If I have a list of tasks that have deadlines, in Trello, Asana, etc
I can get notified that an item will be due soon, or is overdue.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

I would also like to see a native notification system for the date field.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

We would also find this very helpful on multiple fronts in order to track follow up needs and other upcoming events.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

A reminder function would be fantastic. I’m a recruiter and currently use Airtable as an ATS system and being able to add a reminder to a follow up date would make things much easier. Whether it be in app/browser (when you open airtable you’re reminded of the the follow-ups due that day) or through an integration with outlook or other emailing services, would really love to see this feature some time soon!

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

@Katherine_Duh Any further progress on this feature? It would be very useful for any base created for CRM, Events or Projects/Tasks.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Yes! A reminder function would be awesome! Photoshopped you a 10 minutes example, because you were so kind to draw me a sketch how to set up my Airtable relational database. Really appreciated that! I think this example could show what we all have in mind?: airtable_notification.jpg