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Display Intermittent Group Overview bar only over Activity in Timeline

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5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast
Status: New Ideas
What is the proposed idea/solution?

When using Group Overview in Interface Timeline view, I want the option to only show the Group Overview bar as an intermittent bar that only appears over events, so that I can collapse all group swimlanes and still see where the activity is (and isn't) in each Group. Right now, it spans from the earliest event to the latest event, even if there are no active events in between.

I attached a mockup.

How does this solve the user problems?

... I use Timeline to plan projects, with each Group representing a team. With very complicated Timelines with lots of activity, this would allow me to collapse all groups/teams to create a more condensed, simplified view, but still see when certain Groups/Teams are active vs inactive.

How was this validated?

... Don't know what this question means.

Who is the target audience?

Project Managers and project members who use the Timeline view.