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[Interface] Use Data to Populate Connected Filter Element

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
Status: New Ideas
What is the proposed idea/solution?

We're able to do this on automation. For example, Email is the field, and we'll click the blue + icon on Automation settings to allow the automation to fill the field with dynamic data. Well, this suggestion would like to use that feature but on the Interface's Connected Filter Element, allowing users to auto-populate the filter, then immediately show filtered records via Grid/Kanban/etc. depending on what record data (where the filter is placed) is connected.

To put things simply, if I have an Interface with Record viewer as the template. Then, I have multiple records with email addresses. On the record viewer, we have a Grid from other tables and a Connected Filter Element. Right now, we use the element as "Email address is..." and manually copy-paste the email there to show records on the Grid. It's a few steps more troublesome but would be click-less if it's already auto-populated depending on dynamic data.

How does this solve the user problems?

Better usage of Grid and other views on Interface Designer, allowing multiple specific data to be shown all at once with ease, which is the point of Interface in the first place.

Who is the target audience?

Interface users

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Sounding my support for this. Related post here, requesting to at least be able to prefill the filter element via url. 

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

Adding my voice to support this. It's desperately needed!