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When creating a grid, you have filter and sort. Add "limit rows returned".
Lets say you have scheduled meetings, and you want to have a view that just lists the next meeting. You can filter to have scheduled date "after today", and sort it automatically so the next meeting is at the top. But there's no way to limit to the top row. If you had a row limit with the options of ("Show All" (default), "First Row Only", or "Specific Limit" (with value), I can see this type of view being very handy when driving some automations.
It would also be incredibly handy for people that want to schedule a price increase. Lets say I have 4 dates with 4 different prices, it would be possible to list the most current price by using a mixture of the max date that less than current, and showing the top row.
Pretty basic. If you say only show 3 rows, only 3 rows should show up on the view.
Anyone that has complex data sets that are driven by schedule, or any other data set where they want to limit results based on a filter/sort such as "top 3 winners".