We also need the decimals to be like this format 1.000,00 โฌ
This is so frustrating. We want to use airtable in our whole company, but we cannot use it for all the cases that deal with any kind of numbers because of the american decimal formatting.
Please fix that issue as fast as you can.
I think this formatting problem is a HUGE dealbreaker for european companys to use airtable permanently.
In Norway we write currency numbers like this: kr 1.000.00,00
or like this: kr 1 000 000,00
Having it like it is in Airtable now is horrible for us: kr 1,000,000.00
Dates like this: 31.12.2020
And we start the weekday on monday โ of course.
After all this time it is absolutely ridiculous not to be able to format the currencies. For what we pay we deserve respect, we donโt ask for the moon, but a very simple thing!
And again, we want to speak about mobile version? Ridiculous!
Thanks for all the input and feedback around this! We wanted to share that this is something that our product team would like to address, but it likely wonโt be on our roadmap for 2020.
When we do have an update around working with timezones and other regional formatting, weโll be sure to announce them on our Whatโs New page.
In the meantime, Iโd recommend using the SET_TIMEZONE and DATETIME_FORMAT functions to specify timezones for date fields in your base, and posting any questions over in Dates and timezones so the community can help out if needed.
Hello Andrewโฆ Ah these couple of weeks!
No sign of this feature? I like Airtable! But without this 1.000,00 possibility our and a lot of other companies cannot use Airtable.
This is truly incredible. And yes, I do understand whatโs involved โ I was a software developer for 35 years.
Even if you donโt offer different numbering formats on a per column basis, you could at the very least have implemented a base-wide setting for this.
In fact, I personally think it should have been one of the first usability issues you addressed.
That you canโt or wonโt deal with different ways of formatting numbers, means you just lost a paying customer/prospect. Iโm not spending my money with a company that ignores such basic and fundamental usability โ and for such a long time.