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Share Calendar view

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4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

When I share a calendar view (fed by 5 fields) via a private link, the result on the suscription ONLY displays the FIRST date filed…
Is this a bug or am I missing something here?
How can I share this view showing ALL the fields used?


13 - Mars
13 - Mars

For free and premium accounts, the calendar view only supports the presentation of values from a single date field. Pro-level accounts can designate multiple (I think it’s up to 20) date fields to be shown. Pro users also can define date ranges — that is, a start date, an end date, and all intervening days — to be shown.

Airtable Employee
Airtable Employee

Currently when you set up a calendar view to use multiple date fields, only the first date field is used when generating an iCal file or iCal subscription link.

We’re currently working on addressing this limitation and supporting multiple date fields in iCal files and subscription links, and this should start working as expected within the next couple weeks!

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Thanks @Matt_Bush, I was hopping It was my mistake… I really need this :cry:

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Hello! This is still what I am finding. Syncing my AirTable to an external calendar, it only shows the date and time. No name, notes, location, etc. Has this been fixed? Or is there a better way to sync to an Apple or Google Calendar?