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Simple, Image Gallery

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

I want to be able to show off the photos of my records. Thereโ€™s too many interface elements. I just want to browse through the photos and click on a record to view the image nice and large.

Nov-04-2022 02-44-51

Design suggestions:

  • gallery should not have any labels, just the first attachment
  • should be simple to arrow left/right between records
  • record information should be hidden away (maybe behind some click that shows more info)

Nice to have:

  • a slider near search to control the number of columns (and thus the gallery image size)
  • masonry layout
  • dark theme

Current design notes:
Frame 6
Things are too cluttered & distracting due to lots of labels and lines. Also whatโ€™s up the claustrophobic inset style? Make the scroll area full width to let the images be the show.

Frame 7
I donโ€™t really care about the record information at this point. I want to preview my image fullscreen!

Frame 8
Finally at the image! Nice. How do I get to the next one? Click out of two modals, click another image from the gallery, click the recordโ€™s attachmentโ€ฆ so many clicks when I just want to press the right arrow key to go to the next recordโ€™s attachment.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

The way you preview images on this site is better than on Airtableโ€ฆ

17 - Neptune
17 - Neptune

This code is very dated (as in created when the script block was in beta), but it might help you find a pathway. I thought there was an extension for this, but I cannot find it.


Airdrop - Gallery Viewer
Copyright (c) 2020 by Global Technologies Corporation


// display the title
output.markdown(โ€œ# Gallery Viewerโ€);

// get the table name
let sourceTable = await input.tableAsync(โ€œPick the table:โ€);
let sourceTableName =;

// get the field name
let sourceField = await input.fieldAsync(โ€œPick the attachment field to be displayed:โ€,;
let sourceFieldName =;

// identify the fields to be exported
let aFieldList = [sourceFieldName];

// get the source data
// let sourceTable = base.getTable(sourceTableName);

// get the data set for this gallery
let result = await sourceTable.selectRecordsAsync();
let sourceRecords = result.records;

// get the record count
let recordCount = sourceRecords.length;

// iterate across all the records
for (var r = 0; r < sourceRecords.length; r++)

// get the name of this image collection record
var thisName = sourceRecords[r].getCellValue("Name");

// get the array of images in this record
let theseImages = sourceRecords[r].getCellValue("Images");
let imageCount  = theseImages.length;

// iterate across the image collection for this record
for (var i = 0; i < theseImages.length; i++)

    // clear the frame
    // display the table
    output.markdown("# " + sourceTableName + ": " + thisName);
    // output.markdown("r = " + r.toString() + " :: i = " + i.toString() + " of " + imageCount.toString());

    // get the image formatted in markdown style
    var thisImage = "[![" + theseImages[i].id + "](" + theseImages[i].thumbnails.large.url + ")](" + theseImages[i].url + ")";

    // prompt for action
    let action = await input.buttonsAsync('', ['<- Prev', 'Next ->']);

    // test to see which way we're going
    if (action == 'Next ->')
        // do nothing - skip forward
    } else {
        // decrement the image array pointer
        if (i == 0) {
            if (r == 0) {
                r = -1;
            } else {
                r -= 2;
        } else {
            i -= 2;  


// if at eof, start at the first record in the gallery
if (r == (recordCount - 1))
  r = -1;
