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[SOLVED] Add Conditional Logic to Form Views

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6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
Status: Launched

Being able to hide/show fields in the form view based on the values of fields higher up in the form could be extremely valuable.

For instance, if using Airtable to keep track of leads, one might have a Single Select field with the following options:


  • No Relationship
  • Met at a conference
  • Contacted through website

If “Met at a conference” is selected, it would be valuable to collect information about that conference in a conference field, but it wouldn’t make sense to capture that info for any of the other options in the relationship field.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

It’s 2019. What kind of form doesn’t have conditional logic questions? Is there an ETA for this, or should I not transition over from google forms?

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Same issue for us.

We ended up building an internal form for us that integrate with Airtable extremely easy.

Love to share for a penny price. If anyone interested, ping me.

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

Is this yet another basic level inclusion that Airtable are completely ignoring the community need for? I am starting to feel VERY worried about my recent choices :frowning:

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

Thank for the info. However, JotForm or Typeform is not able to read a table within Airtable to present it as options for a dropdown within the from which makes certain my needs for using any of those solutions unworkable. Basic conditional logic within Airtable forms would be ideal. It will allow us to use tables as dropdown option and give us flexibility to leverage conditional logic to drive which dropdown table should appear during the form process.

Right now this is forcing me to look at other database option that can provide this simple functionality. Not sure why conditional logic within forms is being outsource to third party systems, especially when the third-party systems can’t read the data within the table for select-able options within the form.

My choice is either not being able to show or hide prompts on the form so it become overwhelming experience to those who fill it out - OR - have the conditional logic via third-party which you loose functionality to capture the data you need. Or, go with another database system that can be leverage better. I would rather stay with Airtable, but the lack of support for conditional logic for form is a serious issue and creating unwanted challenges where we are missing essential data collection due to overwhelming form prompts.

4 - Data Explorer
4 - Data Explorer

using Jotform is not what the users are asking, so this feature is not “Solved”

+1 for conditional logic into forms

Airtable Employee
Airtable Employee

Hi everyone! Thank you for your feedback and context about how conditional form logic would be helpful for you.

We definitely see the value of this kind of functionality, and while we don’t hop in to these threads as often as we’d like to, please remember that this is a community forum, and it is primarily designed for users to have conversations with each other—not for users to contact the staff.

While Airtable employees post on the forums relatively frequently (these users have “Airtable” after their username and a special badge that says “Airtable Employee” on their user profiles), they will not respond to every post, and you should not expect that your post will necessarily receive a response from an Airtable employee.

We do however see and hear the comments posted here, so I just want to reiterate our thanks for your input and passion for Airtable.

I’m closing this topic for now, but if you have other use cases or ideas for this type of functionality, we’d love to hear them! Please reach out to us via the contact us link in-app.

Airtable Alumni (Retired)

Briefly opening this topic again to announce that our form builder now supports conditional visibility for form fields (i.e. “Show this field when a user selects the “Other” option in another field”). See our announcement:

Status changed to: Launched
Community Manager
Community Manager