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Sort select or multiselect field values descending would SOLVE the blank value sorting issue

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7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect
Status: New Ideas

Problem: Sorting a select field puts blanks at the top.  Often, we want blanks to sort at bottom.

Suggested Solution: Sort the select field in descending order in the view.  That puts blanks at bottom.  However, then your select values are in reverse order.  If you could sort the select field options (in the field) in descending order then all would be good in the world:  blanks would be at the bottom and options would be at the top sorted in ascending order.

Implementation: Best part, implementation is super easy.  Currently you can only sort options in a select field in ascending order.  Just enable clicking on the sort icon to toggle between ascending and descending sort of options in select/multi-select fields.

6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator

There should be a toggle on the sort menu for where you want the blanks to appear.

7 - App Architect
7 - App Architect

@joshsorenson Agreed, indicating specifically how blanks sort would be ideal.  I proposed sorting select options in descending order as a simple workaround.  That should be very simple to implement (e.g., UI is already there; sort is already there; just toggle sort direction).

5 - Automation Enthusiast
5 - Automation Enthusiast

@joshsorenson  exactly. How can we push this imporvment? Airtable team, do you see this?