6 - Interface Innovator
6 - Interface Innovator
since ‎Mar 17, 2020
‎Nov 29, 2022

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  • 16 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
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Under “collaborators”, I am shown as the owner along with the message “This workspace also has 1 base collaborator not represented above”. No other collaborators are shown. How do I find out who is this other (hidden) base collaborator?
I have a field set up as a URL. However, the URL does not actually allow click-through in the mobile app, although I am able to use it that way on my desktop. Seems like there is little point in having a URL in the table if it can’t actually functio...
I have two tables in my database. One is the primary, the other is linked on one field to the primary. The entries that automatically appear in the linked table field are alphabetical, as that is the nature of the key in the primary. However, these ...
I have a free account with a 2GB limit on image storage. Is there some way I can tell what amount of storage I have already used with uploaded images in my base?