The Airtable Community will undergo scheduled maintenance on September 17 from 10:00 PM PST to 11:15 PM PST. During this period, you may experience temporary disruptions. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
@tkhk_m Thanks for sharing your database. I think I understand your question now.
You are generating the primary key for Table 2 in the “Formula” field in Table 1.
You’d like the tables to be “automatically” linked based on the foreign_key / primary...
David, Not quite sure what you mean by “lead a phone number”, but there is currently a field type for phone number.
Create a new field of type “Phone Number” and 10 digit number you enter will be auto formatted.
e.g. 8005551212 becomes (800) 555-12...
I don’t think that the formula syntax really qualifies as a computer language as it’s missing major components of a complete language (no loops for example).
The syntax for Airtable’s formulas is similar to the formulas in Excel, but by no means iden...
I used the CONCATENTATE feature to build up the required Amazon search URL (and SUBSTITUTE to replace spaces in the title with plus signs).
If the title of the book is “The Art of Racing in the Rain” the formula will generate the following URL:
Here is an Airtable formula that builds a link search Amazon for a book listed in the “Title” field:
CONCATENATE(“”, SUBSTITUTE(Title, " ", “+”))